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Fleet as a service for business

Democratizes access to driver as a fleet solutions. Provides a crucial delivery infrastructure for business by leveraging the power of EV.

Trusted by companies around Indonesia

Why choose Dash for delivery service

Tailor your delivery to dynamic demands adapt swiftly, smartly, and greenly

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Shifts Capex to Opex

We convert the need for owning and maintaining a fleet of driver into a flexible subscription service.

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Flexible Delivery Scaling

Our service allows you to adjust your delivery capacity to meet changing demands without logistical hassle.

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Focus on Core Business

We handle the complexities of logistics, enabling business like you to concentrate on your primary expertise.

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Zero Emission Delivery

Positively impact your company ESG goals by delivering items sustainability with Dash's zero emission EV fleet.

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Optimization in Hand

Optimize your delivery with Dash suite of software. From live tracking, route optimization, and in-app navigation